Home Repairs to Help Lower Your Homeowners Premium

Most methods of saving money on your homeowner’s insurance premium involve mitigating – or lessening the effects of – some of the most common risks Florida homeowners face. These risks include high winds, lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes and tropical storms, water damage, and fire.

To lower your home insurance premium in Florida, you’ll want to consider taking measures to reduce potential damage from these risks. Below are specific home repairs and upgrades with the potential to save you money.

Install a Security System

Many insurers offer homeowner discounts for the installation of monitored home security systems. This is because these systems not only deter theft and vandalism, but because it is actively monitored the police or other local authorities are notified when there is a potential break-in.

Not every home security system counts toward a homeowner discount or credit, so check with your agent to see if yours does. For example, a Ring doorbell alone may act as a deterrent, but it might not alert authorities the way a more comprehensive security system would.

Storm-Proof Your Home

Making your house resistant to disaster can be a real win-win when it comes to home insurance. Not only do these types of proactive measures safeguard your house – including everyone and everything in it – but they can often result in insurance savings, too.


If you haven’t already done so, perhaps 2023 is the year you finally install hurricane shutters, impact-resistant windows, and/or a hurricane-rated reinforced garage door. Garage doors, in particular, are a notorious vulnerability in high-wind situations due to their large surface area and usual lightweight design.

The effectiveness of these measures more than makes up for the expense. Once a window or door is breached during high winds, tornadoes, or a hurricane, there is a good chance wind could literally raise your roof.

Roof Updates

Consider a new roof if yours is at least 15 years old. Alternatively, you could choose to have your existing roof fortified with a variety of measures, such as hurricane clips/straps (to strengthen the connection between roof and walls of the home. To get started, you’ll want to have a wind mitigation inspection of your home performed by an authorized inspector.

Financial Assistance & Incentives

The My Safe Florida Home program, re-enacted during a special session of the Florida Legislature last year, aims to help strengthen homes in the state against hurricane-force winds and to save homeowners money. It offers eligible Florida homeowners:

• Free, no-obligation inspection to determine how storm-resistant the home currently is (a report with recommended improvements will be provided).

• Matching grant ($2 for every $1 spent by the homeowner) to perform specific wind mitigation improvements noted in the inspection report.

As an added bonus, you can avoid paying sales tax on the purchase of impact-resistant doors and windows through June 30, 2024.

Protect Against Fire & Other Hazards

You may also qualify for a homeowner discount or credit on your insurance premium when you take certain measures to protect your home against fire and other hazards. This includes updating outdated electrical wiring and plumbing. Not all replacements qualify for a homeowner discount, so check with your agent about any restrictions you might be subject to.

Secure Your Home & Save Money, Too

Remember, the goal is not just to lower your premium, but to make sure you have the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Always consider what you could lose in a disaster, and make sure your policy provides adequate protection.

If you’re a current Florida Peninsula Insurance Company policyholder, call your agent for more information about what homeowner discounts apply to you and how you might lower your insurance premium with certain home repairs. If you’d like to obtain a homeowner’s policy with us, get a quote now or call us at (877) 229-2244.

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